Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Chocolate Peanut Butter Banana Protein Bars

This is a new bar inspired by the protein packed bar made last week. This flavor palate includes chocolate, peanut butter and bananas. Enjoy!!

-3/4 cup cooked quinoa
-2/3 cup non-dairy milk such as rice, soy, almond milk (I used vanilla soy milk)
-2/3 cup nut butter (I used peanut butter)
-1/2 cup agave nectar
-3 to 4 tablespoons of grape seed oil (you can also use vegetable oil)
-2 tablespoons maple syrup
-2 teaspoons vanilla or almond extract
-1 3/4 cups steel cut oats
-1/2 cup flour
-1/2 cup chocolate flavored soy protein powder
-1/4 cup wheat germ (optional)
-1/4 cup ground flax seed (optional)
-1 teaspoon sea salt
-1/2 teaspoon baking powder
-3 tablespoons of cocoa powder
-3 ripe bananas
-1/2 cup peanuts

1. Preheat Your oven to 325 degrees

2: Bowl 1: In one bowl mix together non-dairy milk, bananas, nut butter, agave, grape seed or vegetable oil, maple syrup, and vanilla or almond extract.
Tip: It may help to heat up the nut butter to make it easier to blend.

3: Bowl 2: Sift together the dry ingredients in a large bowl (steel cut oats, flour, protein powder, wheat germ , flax seed, salt, baking powder, and cocoa powder). Mix in with the wet ingredients. Fold in cooked quinoa and nuts.

4. Spoon into an oiled 9" x 9" baking pan, and press down uniformly (having wet hands makes this easier). Or you can spray your bar baking pan.

5. Bake for 25 to 35 minutes. Cut into 12 equal bars, let cool, and enjoy anytime!

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