Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Welcome to my first blog!

This is the first entry to my butterfly kitchen and what a perfect day, Earth Day, to reflect my personal mission and goal with this site. Today and always I strive to preserve mother earth, encourage recycling and energy efficient technology, love and protect all of earth's creatures and appreciate and practice love, peace, and joy in all that I do. This blog will illustrate my daily, weekly or monthly experiences and highlight my celebration of life. You will experience with me some of my 2009 goals to more fulyl enrich my life.

One of my goals for the year 2009 was to experiment and be a more experienced cook. You will see some of my recipes I try and would like to share with you, my family and friends. The fun part will be the combination of both vegetarian and meat dishes as my home enjoys both cuisines. I, being a vegetarian now for five years and my husband, Gary, is a meat eater. I fully support his choice in cuisine as does he, but we always try to eat organic, free range and products that are as cruelty free as possible.

My second goal for 2009 was to live a more "green life." One of the ways I am going to do this is by participating in home gardening for organic vegetables and fruits, advocate recycling, and so much more. We just planted our garden! We are looking forward to our tomatos, cucumbers, red/yellow/green peppers, eggplant, fresh herbs (cilantro, basil, parsley, mint, lavender), zuccinni, yellow squash and our fruit trees-plums and peaches!

More goals, memories, and experiences to share. Thank you for sharing in the joy of creating this page. I hope to be more connnected to you and provide some great cooking tips and recipes as I practice along the way.

1 comment:

  1. Love the blog, Lisa! Looking forward to trying some of your recipes soon. xo
